
The Trend page provides a flexible chart for visualizing your data. Data from multiple Tags can be displayed on the chart, and the time period from which the data are collected can be adjusted. The resulting trend view can be saved as a Report which can be retrieved later or saved to file.

Fig 1. Trend

Getting started

The trend window is by default blank when entering the Trend page. In order to start viewing your data, you can either add individual tags or load a previously saved Report.

Adding tags to the chart

Multiple Tags can be added to the chart in order to view their data. This is done by selecting one or more Tags (max 5) from the multiselect “TAGS” tree view dropdown list.

Adding tags
Fig 2. Adding tags

Change time period

Tag data can be displayed in the chart for the selected period. You can choose the period from the dropdown “TIME” list for specified periods or choose a “Custom” period (“Today” is the initial preselected period).

Time filter
Fig 3. Time filter

When you choose a Custom time period, or click , a popup is shown for start and end date and time to be selected. Click “Apply” to apply the time settings in the chart.

Custom time period
Fig 4. Custom time period

Customize the chart

Chart displays can be customized in “Configuration” tab. Click to set parameters for various chart displays.

Fig 5. Configuration

If “Show chart symbols” is applied:

Show chart symbols enabled
Fig 6. "Show chart symbols" enabled

If “Show chart thresholds” is applied:

Show chart thresholds enabled
Fig 7. "Show chart thresholds" enabled

If “Show events” is applied:

Show events enabled
Fig 8. "Show events" enabled

If “Value Axis Position” is applied:

Value axis position enabled
Fig 9. "Value axis position" enabled

If “Single Time Axis” is not applied (value axis by Tag displayed):

Single time axis disabled
Fig 10. "Single time axis" disabled

Configure trend line

Each trend line’s “Color”, “Thickness” and “Symbol” is customizable via configuration in the “Edit tag settings”.

Edit chart tag
Fig 11. Edit chart tag
The trend line Color can be customized by entering Hex Color Codes or by choosing a color from the color pallet. Trend line data points Symbols, that take "Round", "Square" or "TriangleUp" form, can be visible only if the "Show chart symbols" setting is enabled in the Chart Configuration. The thickness of the trend line is customizable by choosing an integer value in the range of 1 to 10.

The Moving Average feature is a calculation used to analyze data points by creating a series of averages of different subsets of the full trend data. The size of the subsets is determined by selecting a number of data points to be included for the calculation. Currently Qlarm supports 5, 10, 25 and 50 data points for each calculating subset.

To visualize data points for long time periods, the data in each trend line is compressed (downsampled) by keeping high precision average data for only a limited time frame, which is calculated depending of the length of the selected time period. The Maximum and Minimum series feature affiliates the downsampled data to give more insight, by calculating the maximum and minimum for the limited time frame.
Edit chart settings
Fig 12. Edit tag settings

Delete tags

Delete individual Tags from the chart by clicking the delete button in the chart tag.

Delete chart tag
Fig 13. Delete chart tag

Reset chart

Clear the chart of all tags and trends by clicking the reset button .


Reports are collections of Tags which can be saved with their associated time period for later retrieval.

Save Report

The Save button stores all the currently selected Tags in a Report. .
Choose a unique name for your Report, and enable “Save Time Period” to save your choice of Time Period other than “Last Day”.

Save report
Fig 14. Save report

Load Report

Saved Reports can be loaded by clicking the “Open” button . The “Load Report” popup lets you select the Report you want to load from a list of saved reports. Click “Load” to retrieve the selected Report. Click “Delete” to delete chosen report.

Load report
Fig 15. Load Report

Edit Report

If you edit a loaded Report and if you want to save it, you will get access to the “Overwrite” option in the popup from Fig 14. This overwrites the currently selected Report.

Overwrite report
Fig 16. Overwrite Report
To save the Report as a new Report, select "Save as New" option and the loaded Report will remain unchanged.
Save report as new
Fig 17. Save Report as new

Export chart data

Chart data can be exported as JSON, CSV, XLSX, HTML, PDF.

Chart data menu
Fig 18. Chart data menu
Charts can be saved as images, printed and annotated. Images can be saved as PNG, JPG, SVG or PDF.
Chart image menu
Fig 19. Chart image menu

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